In Memoriam: Tai'lahr, along with the rest of the Mystonline community, is mourning the loss of Tai'lahr on October 16th, 2019.

Rest in Peace, friend.

75th Instancing

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Revision as of 23:47, 11 February 2009 by 75th Trombone (talk | contribs)
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I've been a bit stupid.

In separating the Instancing mechanics from the interface, I've separated the very easy part from the part everyone's been talking about.

So for the time being, consider this a primer for people (including myself) to fully understand the implications of instancing mechanics and problems.

The Plan

There are only two categories of Ages, plus the neighborhoods.

Public Ages

  • Open areas in Ae'gura are public. Isolated areas are private and will be partially enumerated later.
  • Individual neighborhoods are, strictly speaking, public as well. (It's the Bevin neighborhood prototype, not the 'hoods themselves, that can be said to be 'hood-instanced.) The new/revamped invitation and membership mechanisms can control access to each 'hood.
  • Perhaps there should be one Bevin-type neighborhood (Bevin itself?) that is entirely public, for neighborhood story events.

Private Ages

All areas not listed above are private. This includes all ABM/PotS/MO:UL Ages, even the formerly 'Hood instanced ones. It seems to me that the main problem with the instancing of these Ages is controlling who gets end-of-Age rewards.

  • For the Uru Prime/PotS Ages, you can only "complete" the Age in your private instance.
  • For the MO:UL gardens and such with extremely limited gameplay mechanics, you can complete the Age in any instance.

In addition, certain areas of Ae'gura are private:

  • The Tokotah journal rooftop
  • The Kadish gallery
  • Balconies
  • The Great Zero
  • Etc.


Name of objection.

Content of objection goes here. This should be one or two sentences concisely describing the objection or alleged exception to the rules stated in The Plan.

  • Anyone with a concise rebuttal to an individual exception may post it in an italic list item after the exception text. Conversation threads deeper than one objection and its top-level rebuttals should probably be moved to the talk page.