In Memoriam: Tai'lahr, along with the rest of the Mystonline community, is mourning the loss of Tai'lahr on October 16th, 2019.

Rest in Peace, friend.


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1950 - 30 December 2021

Surface name: Bill Brownless

United Kingdom

Grandbad had a great sense of humor and was very good at manipulating Age objects using the extra commands in the Open Cave client; he used to take explorers on journey tours through the Ages stopping at various places. He used to play more on The Open Cave and Deep Island than MOULa, but often helped out with door runs and testing marker games. He had been suffering with a long term illness for which there is no cure; he passed surrounded by family and friends.

Memberships: MOUL Forums (Oct 2013)
Remembrances: Post on the "The Ages of Doobes" Facebook page

"I first met Bill in The Open Cave (TOC) Shard. He was in the 'City Of Dimensions' (COD) age playing with Jodok and invited me to join them. We immediately got along and became firm friends. Sadly we never physically met. he was a wizard at manipulating the various objects in 'Relto' and 'The City Of Dimensions' to make items and move them around. He used to get all the cones to march from the Disco in COD to the edge of the age and back again. He also used to move the tent at Takotah I and the ferry in COD all over the place in COD. He used to get them to travel around the top of the Great Zero or through the Plaza. He wrote a script that attached the two smoke pillars at the Guild hall to the smoke stack of the house boat on the lake. he then moved the houseboat through the Arch and back again. He also would also get us all seated then take us on journey tours through the age stopping at various places. He used to enjoy moving the Bahro pillars, pine trees and other stuff around in Relto using the extra KI commands available in TOC. he caught me out once when I linked into his Bevin. he had built one of the obects allowed by the Ki at the linkin spot. When I linked in it exploded and sent cones and Eddie the beachball in all directions. It was very funny. He had a great sense of humour. He was always willing to test the marker games In TOC for me.
We also used to play a lot in Deep Island. He introduced me to SandDoone who has also become a very dear friend. We all played a lot together investigating the ages. I am going to miss that very much. We did not play much in MOULa. The two of us played a bit in Minkata Prime and Minkata-Alpha s well as Adam's Trollland. We played a bit in MOULa and helped out with door runs. Jodok will be able to tell you more about his time on MOULa."