In Memoriam: Tai'lahr, along with the rest of the Mystonline community, is mourning the loss of Tai'lahr on October 16th, 2019.

Rest in Peace, friend.

Starting Point Debate

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In the offline version of URU, and in some early Beta tests, a new player would start in the Cleft - the New Mexico Desert. They would then complete Yeesha's Journey in the Cleft to obtain a Relto linking book so they could visit other Ages and meet with other people. In Myst Online Uru Live, the starting point was changed to Relto - presumably to make it easier for new players to get to populated areas. With the announcement of Open Source Uru Live, many people have debated whether the starting place should be returned to the Cleft.

It is important to note here that on the MOUL developer's page ( [1] ), it was announced that the 3D models and textures - the Age data - would not be released under the same open source code as the rest of OSUL. This might prohibit changes to Cyan created areas.

Arguments for the Cleft

The Cleft is considered a more logical place to start. Starting at Relto loses the backstory - how you got your Relto book and got there. Furthermore, many people saw the Cleft as an ideal practice Age that got new explorer's used to the interface. Finally, many people have argued that the transition from normal Earth to the Uru Ages was part of the mystique of Uru, and that starting in Relto ruins the beginning feel.

Arguments for Relto

Relto is considered the easier place to start. Many people reported confusion or frustration in starting in the Cleft. It is also worried that the Cleft is single-player , which might turn away new players (who believe the game to be unpopulated). Relto allows new explorers to quickly get to populated areas where the game can be explained for them. Also, many older explorers do not want to have to "hassle with the Cleft" before getting into the game.

Proposed Solutions

(please put links to your proposals [or other people's] here)

Various people have suggested a Public Cleft - making people start immediately in a populated area. Tweek's plan [2]is one such proposal.

Another suggestion is a menu at the beginning asking "alone or together". Alone would start you in Relto, while Together would start you in the Cleft (although some derivatives would start you in other populated areas).

Some people suggest putting another area, such as a small town, near the Cleft. While the Cleft, in most cases, would remain single player, this area would be populated and would have information on your choices.

Some people have suggested multiple ways to get a Relto book - including open boxes or secret switches to the journey door - that would allow frustrated newbies or impatient older players to get out of the Cleft early. Starting Point: Gloa Plan is one of these.

See these topics (please put more links here)

MOUL forums[3] OpenUru forums[4]