In Memoriam: Tai'lahr, along with the rest of the Mystonline community, is mourning the loss of Tai'lahr on October 16th, 2019.

Rest in Peace, friend.

KI Functions

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The KI (pronounced "key") is a small, D'ni built device attached to the avatar's hand and is the main method of communicating in Myst Online: URU Live Again. It can be obtained in Gahreesen. It can be cumbersome at times, particularly when there are lots of people chatting in an Age, but with a little patience, it can work well for you. This article will go over some of its finer points.

Basic Functions

If the KI does not appear on the upper left of your screen, hit F2 to bring it back up. The layout of the KI device is such: the top right button opens the KI's main screen while the button below that turns the sound off and on. The book icon in the middle opens a new note or message for you to type, while the white button above it takes a screenshot to save into your KI. Clicking anywhere else on the KI (when it's closed) will move the KI around on the screen.

Note that the KI has a set limit on how many of your own pictures you can take, so be sure to keep it organized. Don't worry, any picture you take will be saved on your hard drive even if you delete it from your KI in-game; however, you will need a special photo viewer like Irfanview to open the pictures to view outside of the game.

Any pictures or notes sent to you from someone else DO NOT count towards your KI's memory usage, so save as many as you'd like!

Special Functions

In some instances, the KI can be used for quest-specific activities. Some of these can only be activated in certain Ages or under specific conditions.

Main Screen

When the main window the KI is open, there are a few things to notice. There are three icons near the bottom right of the KI itself. These are, from left to right:

  • Ages list
  • Explorers and Age visitors lists
  • KI settings.

Coordinates and the Age you're currently in are displayed in the upper right corner. Your KI number is located at the bottom left, next to your avatar's name ("ID:[KI Number]"). The hood you're currently a member of is viewed at the bottom right.

Age List

Any pictures or notes you make are located here, sorted by Age. They initially are located in the directory of the Age in which you created them, but they can be moved around. Items sent to you in the Incoming folder can be moved to one of these other directories as well.

Explorers and Age Visitors

The first three on this list are the same as what is displayed in the list to the left. You can click on any name to view which Age they are visiting and their KI number. Below those are the "Recent" and "Ignore List" lists. The former displays the last 50 or so avatars you have met or at least been in the same Age with, while the latter is whoever you have chosen to ignore.

Below that is a list of the Ages you currently have and who has been invited to them. This will be explained further below.

KI Settings

These modify some of the behaviors of your KI. You can increase or decrease text size and chat fade time here. You can also choose to only receive KI mail and pictures from people already in your Buddies list.

There is another option here that displays hood settings, but nothing in it can be modified.

Chat Functions

When typing something, to the left, you will notice three lists: Age Players, Buddies, and Neighbors. These will display who's in an Age with you, who you've buddied, and who's also a member of your hood respectively. Clicking on each list name and then typing a message will send what you typed to everyone on that particular list, so be careful if it's something private. If you click on a specific name in those lists, you can type the person a private message (PM) that nobody else will see in chat.

TIP: If you're in a private chat and want to get back to Age Players chat quickly, simply left-click and hold on ANY name on the list, then drag the cursor to the right until the name is no longer highlighted.

Using Text to Switch Between Chats

If clicking on the list is too difficult, there are a number of commands that can be used to chat to different people and groups without clicking around the list.

  • /p [Player Name] [Text] - This sends a private message to the avatar you indicated, if they're online.
  • /reply [Text] - Sends a private message to whoever last sent you a private message.
  • /buddies [Text] - Sends a message to everyone on your Buddies list.
  • /neighbors [Text] - Sends a message to everyone on your Neighbors list.
  • /shout [Text] - For crowded Ages, this will ensure everyone in the Age you're currently in can see your line of chat. See Autoshout.


If an Age is too crowded or too big, it's possible that not everyone can see what you type. In this case, typing /autoshout into the chat will make it so that everyone in Age Players chat can see your text. Typing it again will turn it off.

Add Buddy

To add a friend to your Buddies list via the chat, type /addbuddy [avatar's name] if they are in the same Age as you or /addbuddy [KI number] if they are not.


In some instances, you may find yourself needing to block an avatar's chat. To do this, simply type /ignore [avatar's name]. To remove an avatar from this list and see their chat again, type /unignore [avatar's name].

KI Emote Commands

See: KI Emote List


There are a set number of pictures you can store in the KI (about 15 or so), but every single one you take, whether you delete it or not, is stored on your hard drive. They are usually found in "My Documents/URU Live/KIimages" folder by default. They sometimes need a special picture editor, like Irfanview, to view them properly. It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you backup the image files BEFORE opening or modifying them in any way!

Messages and KI Mail

The book icon on the KI brings up a window where you can enter text for notes or a message to another explorer. It should be noted that any note can be edited by ANY person, even ones you sent out or were sent to you, and all will see the changes, so be careful when writing or viewing them.

Sending Items and Managing Lists

You can trade pictures, notes and marker missions (see Great Zero ) between KIs, whether you created them or not.

  • Locate the picture/note/game you want to send in your Age list and click on it to open. You'll see some green arrows appear.
  • Click on the middle icon (Players and Age Visitors lists).
  • Find the buddy in any list that you want to send the item to.
  • Click on the arrow to the right of their name and it is sent!

If the arrows disappear while you're looking for the name, scroll up or down the list a bit. They should reappear.


You can invite someone to any of your personal Age instances or your hood by using a similar method.

  • Find the friend you want to invite in the Players and Age Visitors lists and click on their name.
  • In the same list, scroll down to the Age you would like to send an invite for.
  • Click on the green arrow next to the Age and that should send an invite notice to the other person's KI.

Lag can sometimes cause an invite or sent item not to send, so keep repeating these methods if the other person doesn't get something right away.

See Also