In Memoriam: Tai'lahr, along with the rest of the Mystonline community, is mourning the loss of Tai'lahr on October 16th, 2019.

Rest in Peace, friend.

Myst Online Uru Live Again Sequence Prefix List

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This list is meant as a reference for Age sequence prefixes for Myst Online: URU Live Again. This is similar to the old Complete Chronicles Sequence Prefix List in that it will hopefully prevent overlapping of future fan Ages with Cyan's Ages and other fan Ages.


You may use any prefix number that is not already in use by either Cyan or another fan Age project. When your project is ready to submit, you may contact rarified either by e-mail or PM on the forums or on the OpenUru Discord #test channel for more details.

If the prefix happens to conflict with another active project, you may be asked to change your prefix.

Myst Online Uru Live Again Sequence Prefix List

SequencePrefix Filename Description Author
Cyan Age Prefixes
-6 GlobalAvatars Cyan
-5 GlobalClothing Cyan
-4 GlobalMarkers Cyan
-3 CustomAvatars Cyan
-2 GUI Cyan
-1 GlobalAnimations Cyan
1 Garden Eder Kemo Cyan
2 Garrison Gahreesen Cyan
3 Neighborhood D'ni-Bevin/Hoods Cyan
4 AvatarCustomization Cyan
5 spyroom Cyan
6 city D'ni-Ae'gura Cyan
7 Cleft D'ni-Riltagamin Cyan
9 Descent D'ni-Tiwah (Great Shaft) Cyan
10 Neighborhood02 D'ni-Kirel Cyan
11 Teledahn Cyan
12 EderTsogal Eder Tsogal Cyan
13 Personal Relto Cyan
14 BaronCityOffice Cyan
15 StartUp Cyan
16 Nexus Cyan
19 EderDelin Eder Delin Cyan
21 Ercana Er'cana Cyan
22 Kadish Kadish Tolesa Cyan
24 Gira Eder Gira Cyan
25 BahroCave Cyan
27 Negilahn Cyan
28 Myst Cyan
29 Tetsonot Cyan
30 Dereno Cyan
31 Payiferen Cyan
32 PelletBahroCave Cyan
34 LiveBahroCaves Cyan
35 GreatTreePub D'ni-Watcher's Pub Cyan
36 ErcanaCitySilo Cyan
38 Ahnonay Cyan
39 GreatZero D'ni-Rezeero Cyan
41 Kveer D'ni-K'veer Cyan
42 Minkata Cyan
43 Jalak Cyan
44 AhnonayCathedral Ahnonay Cathedral Cyan
45 GuildPub-Writers Cyan
46 GuildPub-Maintainers Cyan
47 GuildPub-Cartographers Cyan
48 GuildPub-Greeters Cyan
49 GuildPub-Messengers Cyan
50 philRelto Phil's Relto Cyan
60 Noloben Renamed from Siralehn (tentative) Cyan
61 Tahgira (tentative) Cyan
62 Laki Laki'ahn (tentative) Cyan
63 Todelmer (tentative) Cyan
64 Direbo (tentative) Cyan
99 End of Cyan reserved range
100 Start of fan range
478 EderBahvahnter Eder Bahvahnter Dulcamara/ametist
481 Elonin D'ni-Elonin Dulcamara/ametist
620 ReischuApartment Rei'schu Apartment (upcoming) Calum Traveler
622 EderNaybree Eder Naybree Calum Traveler
1234 GoMePubNew D'ni-New Messengers Pub (Ae'gura) Doobes
1236 ChisoPreniv Chiso Preniv Doobes
1238 SakuraVale Sakura Vale (upcoming) Doobes
1240 Vothol D'ni-Vothol Gallery Rustee
1242 Kotsahvosahn D'ni-Kotsahvosahn (Waystation, upcoming) Doobes
5201 Serene Serene Andy Legate
10075 Fahets (upcoming) Tweek
10076 EderFahsee Eder Fahsee (upcoming) Tweek
10077 Cass (upcoming) Tweek
10078 Kehrahn (upcoming) Tweek
10079 Sul (upcoming) Tweek
10214 GatewayNexus Gateway Nexus (upcoming) Tweek
10216 Tehren (upcoming) Tweek
10217 Overwatch (upcoming) Tweek
10218 Yaras (upcoming) Tweek
10219 MemorialIsland D'ni-Bahn'tefoonet (Fall of D'ni Memorial Island) TGMChrist/Tweek
10228 trebivdil Tre'bivdil Lontahv
10263 Tiam Tiam ametist
10437 FahetsCrimsonVale Fahets: Crimson Vale (upcoming) Tweek
10438 FahetsShatteredShore Fahets: Shattered Shore (upcoming) Tweek
10439 Maho (upcoming) Tweek
10440 Fehremto (upcoming) Tweek
10441 FehnirHouse D'ni-Fehnir's House (upcoming) Tweek
10442 EderAhryee Eder Ahryee (upcoming) Tweek
10443 Lehns (upcoming) Tweek
10444 KehrahnAthu Kehrahn Athu (upcoming) Tweek
10445 KehrahnAnece Kehrahn Anece (upcoming) Tweek
10446 FahetsHighgarden Fahets-Highgarden Tweek
10485 Mirtahm Mirtahm (upcoming) TikiBear/ametist
10532 Sameehn (upcoming) ametist
10536 Rigilahs (upcoming) ametist
10808 Mono (upcoming) Tweek
10809 Chroma (upcoming) Tweek
10810 EX01 (upcoming) Tweek
10811 EX02 (upcoming) Tweek
10812 EX03 (upcoming) Tweek
10813 EX04 (upcoming) Tweek
10814 EX05 (upcoming) Tweek
10815 Rebek (upcoming) Tweek
10816 CityFigurineShop (upcoming) Tweek
10817 Tailehn (upcoming) Tweek
22021 ExplorersEmporium D'ni-Explorer's Emporium (upcoming) Semjay
22022 Venalem Venalem (upcoming) Semjay/Cyan
22100 Kalamee Kalamee Semjay/Cyan
25525 Varia Varia (upcoming) Yali
32768 End of recommended sequence prefix range
40004* VeeTsah Veelay Tsahvahn Doobes
  • Note: While Veelay Tsahvahn has a prefix higher than the limit (an oversight on the creator's part), this is not recommended for any future Ages.