In Memoriam: Tai'lahr, along with the rest of the Mystonline community, is mourning the loss of Tai'lahr on October 16th, 2019.

Rest in Peace, friend.


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This template provides a generalized information box. It can be used to display a title accompanied by an optional image, optional subtitle, and a number of heading/value pairs:

  • tn_image: URL of the thumbnail image to be displayed at the top of the infobox (optional). If used, "image" may also be supplied if larger image is available. It will be linked from the thumbnail.
  • image: URL of larger version of thumbnail image (optional).
  • title: The title of the box (required).
  • subtitle A subtitle for the box (optional) may be used as a heading to the body table.
  • heading1 The name of the first information item (displayed on the left side)(optional).
  • value1 The value or data for the first information item (displayed on the right side)(optional, but is required if "heading1" is defined).
  • ...
  • heading8 The name of the eighth information item (displayed on the left side)(optional).
  • value8 The value or data for the eighth information item (displayed on the right side)(optional, but is required if "heading8" is defined).

Heading and Value pairs are optional, and up to eight pairs may be present in the infobox.

My subtitle
First Value A
Second Another value

{{Infobox|title=Title|subtitle=My subtitle| image=| tn_image=|heading1=First| value1=Value A|heading2=Second|value2=Another value}}

yields the box shown on the right.